Around 2pm we got a txt from Jackie - St Vincent was working and Jeff and Werner had made an impromptu decision to try and fly back to St. Andre. We pulled up Jeff's SPOT tracker and his location on Friend Finder and watched as they scooted over 40km south toward St. Andre.
They were on the front side of the range and could never get high enough to make the transition at Chevel Blanc.
The both landed safely by the main road at La Javie and Jackie picked them up. The tracks are in the photo to the right. Jeff's is Red and Werner's is Green. Here is the link to the XContest Airbuddies tracks.
One other note - just thinking this flight would be a local ridge soaring flight, Jeff elected to fly his LM5. Instead, Werner took off south and Jeff followed him. This was the first time he flew it in really rough, thermic conditions and he said it handled great. I don't think we will see his Alpina out of the bag anymore this week!
Edit: - Here's Jeff's video of the flight.
Paragliding St Vincent to La Javie from Jeff Thompson on Vimeo.

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